The heart of the voice is the human being. The voice is the heart of the soul.



Soulspeaker is an initiative with the aim of forming a community that sees itself as an ambassador for the word spoken professionally by real people. Soulspeaker communicates a clear stance:
Together with all cultural professionals, to preserve and live the professional use of the human voice - as a fundamental authentic form of human communication.

Soulspeaker stands for the creative power of human speech that brings your content, your ideas and characters come to life! "

Jeannette Ostern


    ● are speakers, voice actors and dubbing artists who live and preserve the human oral expression

    ● are cultural professionals, such as sound specialists,sound engineers, editors, producers and all people who work with and or train the human voice

    ● generate voices and communication through their human, physical ability

    ● are advocates of the human-generated voice and thus clearly distinguish themselves from the increasing synthesization of voices generated by AI!

    ● stand up together for the personal rights of the voice

    ● make an important contribution to interpersonal exchange with their individual and artistic interpretation, interpersonal exchange, such as attention, communication skills and cohesion

    ● are role models for the use and handling of language and the human ability to speak

    ● can promote cognitive speaking and perception skills in their listeners

    ● are natural, human-produced voices in all forms of human expression

    ● represent the creative power of human speech to bring your content, ideas and
    characters to life!

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You are definitely not an AI synthesized voice, but a real person who is a voice actor or dubbing artist, an institution, or producer, an agency or sound or dubbing studio that works with or train the human-generated voice?

Join in and become part of the Soulspeaker community!

As a sign of our common attitude, use the Soulspeaker speech bubble with pleasure.

Soulspeaker. True human voices created by real people.

Just send me an email and you will receive the Soulspeaker speech bubble.
